Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing

The show that caused outrage around the couponing community is back tonight with 2 new episodes, starting at 9pm EST on TLC.

The beef I have with this show is that it's NOT a real couponer's day in the life....
When the show aired back in December, we all watched these people wipe out the stores, use 1000+ coupons in one trip, go home with 500 boxes of pasta or cereal.  
What family will EVER be able to eat 500 boxes of cereal before it expires(or gets bugs-yuck!)??  What TLC neglected to show us was that most, if not all, of these people donated the things they purchased.  And "set them up" to look like they were clearing the shelves.  I'm really afraid for the future of couponing if the manufacturers see this.  Kroger is already changing their coupon policy-because of this show?  We'll never know.

Another thing that riles me up is that all these new people see this "extreme" and say, "Wow!  I want to do EXACTLY that!"  Then they search around and find a deal(or 3) and go to the store and wipe it out because it's free.  Doesn't matter if they actually NEED it or not.
I read somewhere that a new couponer is like a new vampire; they suck everything out of every store like a vampire sucks blood out of everything it can.  This is true.  I used to be like that when I started couponing.  I was so excited about EVERY little free thing I could get my hands on, whether my family used it or not.  Thankfully, over the 2 years that I have been doing this, I know how much my family will use or if we even need it.  Now I make up my own scenarios for the stuff we need/use.

So will you watch it?  How do you think this will affect couponing as we know it?


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